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The Story Of Mashup (Episode 5)


Dj BC and the Bootie nights

Bob Cronin, aka Dj BC, is an American who has given a lot to the Mashup world. In 2004, he organised the first Mashup parties in Boston.

He then created an album virtually associating The Beatles and the Beastie Boys: The Beastles. Although praised by the press, Apple, intellectual owner of The Beatles, forced him to withdraw it from sale.

However, in 2006 he published "Let it Beast".

He invested in another album that combined the music of Philip Glass with hip-hop sounds: Glassbreaks. This album was quickly withdrawn from sale, even though it was appreciated by the public.

In memory of the hurricane disaster, he dedicated an album to New Orleans where he mixed local music with the Wu Tang Clan's vocals. The album broke download records.

In 2007, he was recognised as an outstanding DJ at the Boston Music Awards.

The concept of nightclubs dedicated to mashups is spreading in the biggest American cities: Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, San Francisco...

In Los Angeles, DJ A plus D also embarked on the adventure. His parties and his mixes are internationally renowned. He performs in London, Vienna, Hong-Kong but also in Brazil, Ireland...

Bootie nights are exported to Europe. In 2007, Dj Comar launched Bootie Paris at the "Mécanique Ondulatoire".

In Germany, Dj Schmolli created the Bootie Munich.

The Booties concept is original: Dj's broadcast their mashups during a party where they distribute CDS containing the tracks. Each month the best tracks, the "Booties Top 10" are put online and offered for free download.

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